Crest Whitening Mouthwash Vs Listerin Whitening Mouthwash Review

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  • ScientificWorldJournal
  • v.2015; 2015
  • PMC4534617

ScientificWorldJournal. 2015; 2015: 961403.

Efficacy of Mouthwashes Containing Hydrogen Peroxide on Tooth Whitening

Muhammet Karadas

Section of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, 53100 Rize, Turkey

Omer Hatipoglu

Department of Restorative Dentistry, Kinesthesia of Dentistry, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, 53100 Rize, Turkey

Received 2015 Mar fifteen; Revised 2015 Jul 15; Accepted 2015 Jul 21.


The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of mouthwashes containing hydrogen peroxide compared with ten% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. Fifty enamel-dentin samples were obtained from bovine incisors so stained in a tea solution. The stained samples were randomly divided into v groups according to the whitening product applied (n = 10): Equally: no whitening (negative control), with the samples stored in artificial saliva; CR: Crest 3D White mouthwash; LS: Listerine Whitening mouthwash; SC: Telescopic White mouthwash; and OP group: 10% CP Opalescence PF (positive command). Colour measurements were carried out with a spectrophotometer before staining, after staining, and on the 7th, 28th, and 56th twenty-four hour period of the whitening period. The data were analyzed using two-mode analysis of variance followed by a Tukey post hoc exam. The color change (ΔE) was significantly greater in all the groups compared to that of the AS group. After 56 days, no significant differences were establish amid the mouthwash products with respect to color modify (P > 0.05). The whiteness of the teeth treated with the mouthwashes increased significantly over fourth dimension. However, the color alter accomplished with the mouthwashes was significantly lower than that achieved with the ten% CP at-dwelling bleaching gel.

1. Introduction

Patients today need more than than a healthy mouth and a perfect smile. The color and aesthetics of teeth are very important to patients, as they influence self-esteem and professional person relationships [1]. Tooth bleaching has become one of the about popular and common esthetic dental procedures for whitening discolored teeth in modern esthetic dentistry. This procedure is a relatively uncomplicated and bourgeois option compared to other forms of treatment, such as veneers and crowns [two]. Tooth bleaching refers to whatever procedure that does not use restorative materials and that changes the color and appearance of teeth that were discolored due to intrinsic and extrinsic staining [3]. Fundamental vital tooth bleaching techniques can exist more often than not classified as at-domicile (dentist-supervised nightguard bleaching), in-role or ability bleaching (professionally administered) and over-the-counter (OTC) or mass-market products [4–vi].

OTC products are a low-price alternative for white discolored teeth without dentist supervision [vii, 8]. Different OTC agents are available in supermarkets and pharmacies and on many websites [8]. These products generally contain lower levels of a whitening agent and are self-applied to teeth by means of mucilage shields, strips, paint-on brushes, toothpastes, and mouthwash products. They commonly require two daily applications for upward to 2 weeks [six].

Mouthwashes are very popular oral hygiene agents. They human activity to chemically command cariogenic biofilms and take remineralizing therapeutic backdrop. Due to the increased business organisation of patients' in recent years nigh dental esthetics, the number of mouthwash products containing hydrogen peroxide (HP) has risen significantly [9]. HP penetrates the tooth and produces gratis radicals, which attack and suspension autonomously the chromophore bonds of big, long chain, dark-colored molecules; this eventually breaks downwards the molecules and chromophore bonds, resulting in changes in tooth colour [6]. Notwithstanding, in some cases, HP may not whiten teeth substantially due to the method of application and the length of fourth dimension it is in contact with the teeth [3].

A few studies accept evaluated the effectiveness of mouthwashes and whitening agents. Despite the increased number and sales of whitening products and mouthwashes, in that location is piffling testify of their effectiveness. The tooth whitening of mouthwashes may as well differ, depending on the constituents of the product. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate at different periods of immersion the whitening effect of three mouthwashes containing HP compared with the whitening event of ten% carbamide peroxide (CP) used in at-home tray bleaching gels. The null hypotheses were that (i) the mouthwashes would not have any effect on the color change of teeth, (2) the immersion time in the mouthwashes would non influence tooth-whitening results, and (three) there would be no meaning differences amid the mouthwashes used.

2. Materials and Methods Preparation of the Samples

Fifty extracted bovine incisors were selected for this written report and cleaned with a periodontal mitt scaler. They were stored in 0.5% chloramine-T solution and used within 2 weeks of extraction. Teeth with spots and fractures were excluded from the study. Enamel-dentin sections (dimension, v × v mm; thickness, iii mm) were obtained from the midcoronal regions of teeth using water-cooled diamond disks (Impect PC10; Equilam Lab Equip, Diadema, SP, Brazil). The dentin surfaces were polished to standardize the thickness of each sample. Using molds, each enamel-dentin sample was individually mounted in transparent acrylic resin to expose the enamel surface. Each sample was polished for ten southward across the buccal surface with the use of a prophylaxis paste, applied with a polishing brush under manual pressure at a depression-speed contra-angle. Then, each sample was done with distilled water for 10 south. The prepared samples were immersed for 7 days in a tea mixture to let the bleaching effectiveness of the four products to be compared on a ready of stained samples. The tea solution was prepared past brewing 3.5 g of black tea in 100 mL of boiling distilled water for ten min (Çaykur, Altınbaş Tea, Rize, Turkey). And then, the samples were done in distilled h2o for threescore south.

2.ii. Whitening or Bleaching Process

The stained samples were randomly assigned to 5 groups (north = x) equally follows: an AS group (negative control): the samples were immersed in artificial saliva; a CR group: the samples were immersed at 37°C in thirty mL of a whitening mouthwash (Crest 3D White) for iv min daily [ten] for 56 days; an LS group: the procedure was the same as that in the CR grouping but with a unlike whitening mouthwash (Listerine Whitening); an SC group: the procedure was the aforementioned as that in the CR group but with a dissimilar whitening mouthwash (Scope White); and an OP group (positive control): a one.5–ii mm layer of bleaching gel (Opalescence PF 10% CP) was spread on the enamel surface for iv h daily for 14 days. The samples were immersed at 37°C in bogus saliva [11] for the rest of the twenty-four hours. The constituents of the mouthwashes and those of the bleaching gel used in this study are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Details of mouthwashes products and bleaching gel used in this study.

Brand name (code) Manufacturer Material ingredient
Listerine Whitening mouthwash (LS) Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products, Skillman, NJ, USA Water, alcohol (8%), hydrogen peroxide, tetrapotassium pyrophosphate, pentasodium triphosphate, citric acrid, poloxamer 407, flavor, sodium saccharin, and sucralose

Scope White mouthwash (SC) Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, U.s. Water, glycerin, booze (5%), 1.5% hydrogen peroxide, hexametaphosphate, poloxamer 407, sodium citrate, season, sodium saccharin, and citric acid

Crest 3D White Multi-Care whitening mouthwash (CR) Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, USA H2o, 1.5% hydrogen peroxide, propylene glycol, sodium hexametaphosphate, poloxamer 407, sodium citrate, flavor, sodium saccharin, and citric acid

Opalescence PF 10% (OP) Ultradent Products Inc., South Jordan, UT, Us Glycerin, h2o, xylitol, carbamide peroxide, season, carbomer, PEG-300, sodium hydroxide, potassium nitrate, EDTA, and sodium fluoride

2.3. Color Evaluation

Before colour measurement, the samples were dried with absorbent paper. A trained examiner conducted the colour measurements of each sample against a white background in standardized D65 daylight using a digital spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade Accelerate, Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). The spectrophotometer was calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions by using the scale plate. The following spectrophotometric data were recorded for each sample: L , a , and b coordinate values created by the Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage. The L value represents the degree of lightness in a sample and varies from black (0) to white (100). The a and b values represent the degree of scarlet (+a )–light-green (−a ), yellow (+b )–blue (−b ) in the samples, respectively. Each sample colour was measured at five time points: at baseline; later on staining; and at vii days (time ane), 28 days (time 2), and 56 days (time 3) after immersion in the corresponding mouthwashes. The difference betwixt the two colors was calculated by the following formula: ΔE = [(ΔFifty )2 + (Δa )2 + (Δb )2]0.5.

Colour differences after staining were calculated using baseline color parameters. The ΔEastward, ΔL, Δa, and Δb values after seven, 28, and 56 days were calculated using color parameters afterward staining. In the OP group, these parameters were calculated at seven, fourteen (recorded as 28 days in this study), and 56 days of the treatment menstruation.

2.4. Statistical Assay

PASW Statistics software 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, Us) was used to clarify data. The data obtained after staining were analyzed with a one-fashion ANOVA to forestall possible differences in color amidst the groups. After the whitening procedure, the colour parameters (ΔE, ΔL, Δa, and Δb) were analyzed with a two-way ANOVA (mouthwashes and time). Multigroup comparisons were conducted with the Tukey test at a 95% confidence interval.

3. Results

The mean values of the color parameters for each group afterwards staining are given in Table 2. Later on 7 days of immersion in the tea solution, 50 values decreased from baseline recordings, whereas a and b values increased. One-style ANOVA revealed no significant divergence amid groups for each color parameter (P > 0.05).

Table 2

Means and standard deviations (SD) of colour parameters after existence stored in tea solution.

Group ΔE ΔL Δa Δb
As 12.lxxx (3.01) −11.84 (three.45) 4.54 (1.32) 7.28 (three.x)
CR 11.65 (4.12) −eight.35 (2.23) iii.37 (one.87) 5.85 (three.79)
LS 13.62 (4.56) −nine.79 (3.03) 4.14 (1.xiv) 8.97 (4.03)
SC 14.25 (6.ten) −ten.98 (v.01) 5.30 (three.13) half-dozen.75 (two.18)
OP 12.90 (5.10) −x.86 (5.23) 3.twoscore (2.30) five.79 (3.07)

The ways and standard deviations of the ΔE values after whitening are shown in Table 3. At the terminate of the whitening process, at that place was no statistical divergence in the color change (ΔEastward) amidst the mouthwash groups (P > 0.05). The colour alter (ΔEast) in the OP group was significantly higher than those in the other groups. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed that the immersion time and mouthwashes (groups) and their interaction had a significant effect on the color change (ΔDue east) (P < 0.01). The ΔE values of all the groups were significantly different than the ΔE value of the Equally group at 7, 28, and 56 days.

Table 3

Means and standard deviations (SD) of color changes (ΔE) after whitening.

Grouping ΔE (SD)
Fourth dimension ane Time 2 Fourth dimension iii
AS 1.23 (0.45)Aa 1.98 (0.76)Aa ii.28 (1.35)Aa
CR 5.82 (i.43)Ba 7.85 (two.71)Ba 12.42 (4.47)Bb
LS eight.51 (ane.45)Ba eleven.35 (3.93)Cb 14.seventy (3.39)Bc
SC 7.84 (1.72)Ba 10.88 (iii.03)Cb 14.34 (four.87)Bc
OP 12.eighteen (4.37)Ca 21.35 (2.73)Db twenty.28 (5.63)Cb

The means of the Δ50, Δa, and Δb values after whitening are shown in Figures i, two, and 3, respectively. In all groups, except for the AS group, the ΔL, Δa, and Δb values changed significantly over time (P < 0.05). After the 56-solar day handling menstruation, no significant difference for the Δa values was plant amid the whitening products (P = 0.sixteen), but the ΔL and Δb values were significantly different (P < 0.05). ΔL values decreased in the OP group afterward 14 (28 in Table two) days, whereas they increased in the other groups over fourth dimension. The redness and yellowness of all the samples decreased over time.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is TSWJ2015-961403.001.jpg

Hateful Δ50 values after whitening at 7, 28, and 56 days.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is TSWJ2015-961403.002.jpg

Mean Δa values afterward whitening at 7, 28, and 56 days.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is TSWJ2015-961403.003.jpg

Mean Δb values after whitening at seven, 28, and 56 days.

4. Word

This in vitro study evaluated color changes of stained teeth treated with commercially available mouthwashes containing HP compared with those of teeth whitened in a 10% CP gel. The findings of the two-way ANOVA revealed that the immersion period and the mouthwashes had a major influence on color changes. Thus, the nothing hypothesis that the mouthwashes would take no effect on the whitening of stained teeth was rejected.

I of the virtually prevalent drinks in the world is tea, following water. The reported wellness benefits of tea have fabricated the drink increasingly popular, but patients are concerned most its effects of staining on teeth [12]. In vitro studies have demonstrated the staining furnishings of coffee, red wine, and tea [13, 14]. In the present written report, tea staining was preferred considering tea has been proven to have a higher chapters for staining teeth than other solutions, such as coffee or chlorhexidine [fifteen, xvi].

The surfaces of the samples were not flattened before the experiment in order to simulate clinical situations. This situation might accept led to greater variations amongst the samples in the adsorption of color molecules and measurement of color because of irregularities in the surface textures of the samples [17].

Every bit reported in previous studies, bovine incisors were selected to appraise the tooth color change because of the ease of standardization and obtaining samples [17, 18]. The use of homo teeth in in vitro investigations is limited due to ethical restrictions [xix]. Extracted human teeth more often than not have restorations or caries that interfere with the color analysis of teeth. On the other hand, bovine teeth provide an adequate apartment surface, making information technology easier to obtain standardized measurements [20]. As the chemic composition and structure of bovine teeth are like to those of human teeth, bovine tooth hard tissues are often used equally substitutes for human teeth in enquiry [21]. A previous study reported that the staining of bovine and human teeth was similar, as were the effects of whitening [18].

Whitening mouthwashes have a depression concentration of HP and sodium hexametaphosphate, potassium pyrophosphate, and sodium citrate. These ingredients work to whiten teeth either by bleaching or by removal and command of stains. Hydrogen peroxide diffuses through the organic matrix of molar and produces costless radicals that pb to successful whitening [22, 23]. Still, the efficacy of whitening mouthwashes may be decreased by the fact that they are in contact with the teeth for a short menstruum of time compared with bleaching gel for use at home. The results of this study showed that the amount of time the stained teeth were immersed in the mouthwash was a significant factor for tooth whitening.

Sodium hexametaphosphate has multiple binding sites and antitartar properties that help prevent staining of teeth. Also, known equally polypyrophosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate chemically removes existing stains and provides long-lasting inhibition of new-stain chromogen adsorption to the tooth surface [24]. In the nowadays study, mouthwashes containing sodium hexametaphosphate did not have an consequence with respect to colour modify that was statistically meaning compared to the other tested mouthwashes.

The literature is somewhat contradictory with respect to the effectiveness of whitening mouthwashes. A previous study reported that unlike peroxide-based whitening mouthwashes did not take a bleaching upshot on stained teeth afterwards a 21-24-hour interval awarding period [25]. On the other hand, Torres and colleagues reported that the color modify accomplished with whitening mouthwashes used for 12 weeks was similar to that achieved with x% CP used for 14 days [26]. In a recent study, de Jaime and colleagues examined the efficacy of a mouthwash containing HP compared with ten% CP and reported that ane mouthwash (Colgate Plax Whitening) was able to whiten stained enamel, only they reported that the amount of color change was significantly lower than that obtained with 10% CP used for 28 days [10]. In the present report, the color changes (ΔDue east) of all the samples treated with the mouthwashes were significantly lower than those of the samples treated with the 10% CP at all of the evaluated time intervals, but they were significantly higher than those of the negative control grouping. In this written report, all of the mouthwashes were used co-ordinate to the recommendations of their manufacturers. Comparison this study to other studies is challenging due to a number of possible factors, including written report protocol differences, staining level of samples, sample training, mouthwash application protocol, and in vivo and in vitro conditions.

Domicile bleaching treatment acquired teeth whitening that was pregnant compared with the whitening caused past use of the mouthwashes. This difference often depended on the changes of ΔL and Δb parameters obtained with home bleaching gel, which were statistically significant compared to the mouthwashes. For Δa, there were no pregnant differences among the whitening products at the end of treatment menstruum. Withal, the Δ50 values of the OP group decreased afterwards 14 days; this reduction was likely caused by color regression that the organic substances of the artificial saliva might contribute to [27]. Li and colleagues reported that near of the color regression was stimulated past the L value [28]. Despite completion of the home bleaching handling, the Δa and Δb values connected to refuse, which may exist explained by the presence of the remaining oxygen radicals in tooth structure or some alterations within the tissues of the teeth. The changes in the colour parameters of tested mouthwashes were statistically like after the completion of whitening treatment.

The 10% CP was chosen as the positive control group because previous studies confirmed that it was a safety and effective technique; this has been reported in the bulk of publications on home bleaching in the last twenty years [29]. A previous study also reported that the most adequate way to whiten teeth was the at-domicile bleaching method [thirty]. Enquiry has demonstrated that the whitening effect achieved past home bleaching was stable and long lasting [31]. Home bleaching gel (10% CP) contains 3.5% HP, and this percentage is greater than that found in the mouthwashes examined in this report. Although dwelling house bleaching HP/CP gel in a tray has limited contact with teeth and gums, mouthwash is in contact with all the oral mucosa [26].

5. Conclusions

Inside the limitations of this in vitro report, each of the tested mouthwashes increased the whiteness of teeth over time, bleaching the stained teeth. Nevertheless, none of the mouthwashes were equally constructive every bit x% CP at-home bleaching gel. No pregnant differences were found amidst the mouthwashes with respect to color changes (ΔE). When the samples were exposed to whitening products, the ΔL values and Δb values showed significant differences co-ordinate to the product used.

Disharmonize of Interests

The authors declare that at that place is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this study.


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